

Job Opening-Laborer The City of Washington is accepting applications for the position of Laborer in the Public Works Department. Application and job description are available at the City website and at City Hall-55 West Maiden Street, Washington, PA 15301 during...

Solid Waste Bid Information

The City of Washington is accepting bids for the 2024-2028 solid waste collection. Bids are due at 12:00 p.m. on September 11th. Potential bidders can complete the document provided (click here) and submit sealed bids with required materials to City Hall-City Clerk at...

Linn and Shannon Ave. Paving Project-Income Survey

ATTENTION LINN AVE AND SHANNON AVE AREA RESIDENTS: WE WANT TO PAVE YOUR STREETS!!! In order to do so the funding source requires surveys to be completed confirming the income range of residents on those streets. A third party agency will be in contact with you...

Job Opening-Laborer/CDL Driver

Job Opening-Laborer The City of Washington is accepting applications for the position of Laborer in the Public Works Department. Application and job description are available at the City website and at City Hall-55 West Maiden Street, Washington, PA 15301 during...