
Councilman Matt Staniszewski, MBA, EDFP, -Present
Councilwoman Monda Williams – – ABSENT
Councilman Ken Westcott – Present
Councilman Joe Manning – Present
Mayor Scott Putnam – Present
Mike Hammond, Esquire
A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and carried unanimously to approve the minutes of the December 6, 2018 Regular Meeting of the Washington City Council.
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION : Individuals or group representatives who have signed in prior to the meeting, will have 5 minutes of microphone time to address Council during the public participation portion of the meeting. We prefer if there is a group, a representative be chosen to speak. Audience comments will not be permitted following the public participation portion of the meeting; therefore, we ask that you please review the agenda for any item(s) you may wish to discuss. We have, in the past, had individual’s direct comments to Mayor and Council that were not correct or could not be documented. For that reason, we ask that your information be to the point and factual. Although we may not be able to answer your question at this meeting, we will refer your request or recommendation to the proper department for any necessary action.
Richard Beck, Civil Service Commissioner: Presented the 2018 Civil Service Commission Report. Mayor Putnam thanked Mr. Beck and the Commission for all that they do for the City.
Mike Dolan-61 Dunn: Expressed concern that his garbage hadn’t been picked up on Dunn Avenue in two weeks. Mayor Putnam advised that the reason some areas have not had their garbage picked up is because Waste Management did not pick up the entire City on Monday, December 31, 2018 and this put the new company, County Hauling, in a situation where they had to pick up two weeks of garbage.
Chief Robert Wilson: Thanked City Council for allowing him the time to attend retired Police Officer Mark Griffith’s funeral. He gave the family Condolences from City Council and they asked Chief Wilson to thank Council.
Thanked Lynn Galluze and Carla Mast for being proactive in working out a plan and recommending items 11 & 12 on the agenda. (Regarding the upcoming retirement of the Deputy Treasurer and Finance Clerk positions.) He also thanked Patti Chappel and Carla Mast for being willing to step up to help the City.
Michael McCormick-855 Lockhart: Asked that something be done about the large bump that was created on Lockhart when the Street Department milled the street this past summer. Councilman Westcott stated that he had spoken with John Stout regarding this previously and will speak with him tomorrow and get this taken care of.

A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Westcott, and carried unanimously toapprove the following payments:
a. Public Partners in the amount of $4,693.21 for Pay #5 (5 Year Financial Management) CHARGE: 96.00/489-000 (Reimbursement back from EIP Grant.)
b. S.E. Schultz in the amount of $3,251.25 for Invoice #5164. CHARGE: 01.52/409-374.
c. Widmer Engineering in the amount of $945.00 for 2018 November Items. CHARGE: 53.00/436-682.
d. Widmer Engineering in the amount $1,530.00 for Wallace Lane Storm Sewer. CHARGE: 53.00/436-682.
e. Widmer Engineering in the amount of $540.00 for Duncan Avenue Stormwater Repair. CHARGE: 53.00/436-682.
f. Jet Jack Inc. in the amount of $70,582.50 for Pay #1 Wallace Lane. CHARGE: 53.00/436-682.
g. Metro Technology Services in the amount of $6,535.00 for Police 2019 Software Maintenance. CHARGE:01.23/407-457.
h. Edmunds & Associates Inc. in the amount of $20,415.00 for 2019 Software Maintenance. CHARGE: 01.23/407-457.
i. Edmunds & Associates Inc. in the amount of $1,028.00 for 2019 SQL Software Maintenance. CHARGE:01.23/407-457.
j. North Central Highway Safety in the amount of $10,621.03 for Reimbursement #12 (2018.) CHARGE:80.00/489-000.
k. Midrange Plus Services Inc. in the amount of $5,160.00 for Sonic Wall Computer Gateway Security Bundle (6). CHARGE: 01.23/407-457.
l. Dodaro, Matta & Cambest in the amount of $1,885.50 for Invoice #16079. CHARGE: 01-13-404-310.
m. Brown Timber & Land Company in the amount $43,250.00 for Washington Park Road Clearing. CHARGE:52.00/489-000.
n. Plavchak Construction Company Inc. in the amount of $50,847.38 for Pay #3 for Washington Park Rec Project. CHARGE: 85.00/454-700.
o. Travelers in the amount of $9753.20 for Invoice 000550749. CHARGE: 01-60/486-350.
p. Palermo/Kissinger in the amount of $21,000.00 for 2017 Audit. CHARGE: 01.22/402-312.
q. Traffic Control Equipment in the amount of $3,643.35 for Invoices S1510, S1517, S1560, S1567, S1569. CHARGE: 03-00/433-378.
r. First Security in the amount of $13,782.08 for 1st Quarter (2019) Guaranteed Energy Savings. CHARGE:77.00/409-700.
A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and
carried unanimously to approve the following refund:
WTB Housing LP in the amount of $295.57 for Value Change Court Order 2017 City
Tax. CHARGE: 01.00/301-020 (Prior Year Taxes.)
A motion was made by Councilman Staniszewski, seconded by Councilman Manning, and carried unanimously to approve Plavchak Construction Company Inc. Change Order #1 – Washington Park Recreation Improvements Project in the amount of $11,587.50– Removal and Installation of Fence.
A motion was made by Councilman Staniszewski, seconded by Councilman Manning, and carried unanimously to approve Plavchak Construction Company Inc. Change Order #2 – Washington Park Recreation Improvements Project in the amount of $1,000.00 – Removal of Storm Pipe Outfall sediment.
A motion was made by Councilman Staniszewski, seconded by Councilman Manning, and carried unanimously to approve Plavchak Construction Company Inc. Change Order #3 – Washington Park Recreation Improvements Project in the amount of $4,732.00 – Soft spot repair on paved Trail.
A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and
carried unanimously to Make a motion to appoint Widmer Engineering as the City of
Washington’s Engineers for 2019.
A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and
carried unanimously to accept the resignation of Andre Taylor in the Street Department, 
effective January 10, 2019, and amend the salary ordinance accordingly.
A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and
carried unanimously to accept the retirement of Ronald Earley in the Street Department,
effective February 1, 2019, and amend the salary ordinance accordingly.
COMMENT: Councilman Westcott wished Ronald Earley well on his retirement and thanked him for his service to the City. Councilman Staniszewski and Councilman Manning echoed Congratulations and thanked him for his service.
A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and
carried unanimously to post / advertise for a Laborer position in the Street Department.
A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Westcott, and carried unanimously to approve the tentative agreement of Patti J. Chappel to become effective upon the Retirement of the current Deputy Treasurer at the salary of $35,100, and amend the salary ordinance accordingly once the agreement becomes effective.
A motion was made by Councilman Staniszewski, seconded by Councilman Manning, and carried unanimously to approve the agreement of Carla J. Outcalt for the position of Finance Clerk to become effective 02/02/19 at the salary of $27,300, and amend the salary ordinance accordingly.
COMMENT: Mayor Putnam thanked Patti and Carla for being willing to step up to help the City with this transition.
A motion was made by Councilman Staniszewski, seconded by Councilman Westcott, and carried unanimously to post / advertise for the Collections Clerk Position in the Treasurer’s Office.
Councilman Staniszewski: No Comment
Councilwoman Monda Williams: Absent
Councilman Ken Westcott: No Comment
Councilman Joe Manning: “We were notified today by the office of the Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania that the City is in line to receive $145,000 towards storm water remediation /flooding issues that the City has been facing. The money can be used for permitting, engineering, and studying that will lead to greater funding in the future. All of the flood summits are starting to result in some concrete results. It is our hope that this will become a long-term fix for the flooding issues.”
Mayor Scott Putnam:
A motion was made by Mayor Putnam, seconded by Councilman Westcott, and carried unanimously to set the Fire Chief’s salary at $70,250.00 and amend the salary ordinance accordingly.
A motion was made by Mayor Putnam, seconded by Councilman Manning, and carried unanimously to retain Dodaro, Matta & Cambest as the City Solicitor for the year 2019.
A motion was made by Mayor Putnam, seconded by Councilman Westcott, and carried unanimously to name Municipal Consulting Services LLC as the City’s Building Code Officials for the year 2019.
The next regular meeting of the Washington City Council will be held on Thursday,
February 7, 2019 at 1:00 P.M. in Council Chambers. The Agenda Meeting will be held on Monday, February 4, 2019 at 1:00 P.M.
City Offices will be closed on Monday, January 21, 2019 in observance of Martin Luther King Day. Offices will re-open on Tuesday, January 22, 2019 at 8:30 A.M.
A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting.