
Council Meeting Minutes – June 4, 2020


Councilman Matt Staniszewski- Present via Zoom

Councilman Joe Pintola- Present via Zoom

Councilman Ken Westcott- Absent

Councilman Joe Manning- Present via Zoom

Mayor Scott Putnam- Present via Zoom


 Jack Cambest, Esquire Present via Zoom

MOMENT OF SILENCE:  For the family of George Floyd and the safety of our City.


PUBLIC PARTICIPATION:  Individuals or group representatives who have signed in prior to the meeting, will have 5 minutes of microphone time to address Council during the public participation portion of the meeting. We prefer if there is a group, a representative be chosen to speak. Audience comments will not be permitted following the public participation portion of the meeting; therefore, we ask that you please review the agenda for any item(s) you may wish to discuss. We have, in the past, had individual’s direct comments to Mayor and Council that were not correct or could not be documented.  For that reason, we ask that your information be to the point and factual.  Although we may not be able to answer your question at this meeting, we will refer your request or recommendation to the proper department for any necessary action.


Liz Larkin: (no address provided) An email was sent to the City Clerk for Public Comment. She expressed her concern that Council would be voting today to reopen the Washington Park Ball Fields to Washington Youth Baseball. She expressed concern that it would be difficult to police and enforce social distancing practices.   

PUBLIC COMMENT CLOSED: No one else submitted a request for public comment  


Motion was made by Councilman Staniszewski, seconded by Councilman Pintola, and carried unanimously to promote Robert Wasik to the position of Fire Department Captain effective June 16, 2020 and amend the salary ordinance accordingly.  

Motion was made by Councilman Staniszewski, seconded by Councilman Pintola, and carried unanimously to promote Dan Grossman to the position of Fire Department Engineer effective June 16, 2020 and amend the salary ordinance accordingly.     

Motion was made by Councilman Staniszewski, seconded by Councilman Pintola, and carried unanimously to approve the May 7, 2020 Regular Council Meeting Minutes.                                                 

Motion was made by Councilman Staniszewski, seconded by Councilman Pintola, and carried to approve the following payments:

  1. First Security Finance in the amount of $14,002.77 for 2nd Quarter (2020) Guaranteed

           Energy Savings. CHARGE: 01.52/409-368

  1. Ideal Integrations in the amount of $4,596.00 for Fiber-Quarterly. CHARGE:00/407-000
  2. Ideal Integrations in the amount of $5,085.00 for Quarterly NOC Managed Services. CHARGE: 96.00/407-000
  1. Blue Bastion in the amount of $1,943.60 for Secass June 2020. CHARGE:00/407-000.
  2. Ideal Integrations in the amount of $281.50 for Office 365/VPN June 2020. CHARGE:00/407-000
  3. Robinson Pipe Cleaning in the amount of $3,071.25 for Dunn, Duncan, E. Wheeling Televise. CHARGE:00/436-682.
  4. Fire Chasers in the amount of $8,800.00 for Morning Pride Coats/Pants (Invoice #10598.) CHARGE:00/411-700 (Capital Improvement)
  5. Fire Chasers in the amount of $8,775.00 for Morning Pride Coats/Pants (Invoice #) CHARGE:00/411-700 (Capital Improvement)
  6. Widmer Engineering in the amount of $961.25 for Salt Shed. CHARGE:00/436-313 (Stormwater Fund)
  7. Widmer Engineering in the amount of $1,386.25 for Acheson Street Storm Sewer Project. CHARGE:00/436-313 (Stormwater Fund)
  8. Widmer Engineering in the amount of $595.00 for Washington Park. CHARGE:00/436-313 (Stormwater Fund)
  9. Widmer Engineering in the amount of $190.00 for Dunn Avenue Storm Sewer. CHARGE:00/436-313 (Stormwater Fund)
  10. Widmer Engineering in the amount of $1,045.00 for 2020 April Items. CHARGE:00/436-313. (Stormwater Fund)
  11. Widmer Engineering in the amount of $2,810.00 for Park Playground Grant. CHARGE: 00/436-313 (Stormwater Fund)   
  12. Dodaro, Matta & Cambest in the amount of $1,601.50 for Invoice # 10028. CHARGE: 01-13-404-310
  13. El Grande Industries, Inc. for the Hall Avenue Roadway Improvements in the amount of $87,960.25 CHARGE:00/438-210 (Liquid Fuels)
  14.  El Grande Industries, Inc. for the West Hallam Avenue Roadway Improvements in the amount of $134,678.81.  CHARGE:00/438-210 (Liquid Fuels)

 Motion was made by Councilman Pintola, seconded by Councilman Staniszewski, and carried unanimously to approve the following refunds pending a reopening plan (that includes reopening pavilion rentals) revision:

  1. Julie Peck in the amount of $375.00 for Picnic Pavilion Reservation. CHARGE: 01/367-673.  (Park Shelters)
  2. Tim Gorby in the amount of $425.00 for Picnic Pavilion Reservation. CHARGE: 01/367-673. (Park Shelters)
  3. Nashelly Quiros in the amount of $625.00 for Picnic Pavilion Reservation. CHARGE: 01/367-673. (Park Shelters)   
  4. Walter S. Walker in the amount of $289.75 for City Tax Refund. Owner made payment and his escrow also paid. CHARGE: 01/301-010.
  5. James Naser in the amount of $12,901.62 for release of Fire Escrow funds for 735 Fayette Street (5/28/2019 fire.) CHARGE: 47/389-830.  
  6. Casey McFarland in the amount of $425.00 for Picnic Pavilion Reservation. CHARGE: 01/367-673 (Park Shelters)

Motion was made by Councilman Staniszewski, seconded by Councilman Pintola, and carried unanimously, to approve the appointment of Fire Chief Gerald Coleman as the City of Washington’s Pandemic Coordinator.

Motion was made by Councilman Staniszewski, seconded by Councilman Pintola, and carried to enter into a cooperation agreement with the Redevelopment Authority for the Washington Area Business Incubator Project in the City of Washington.


Councilman Staniszewski: YES

Councilman Pintola: YES

Councilman Manning: NO

Mayor Putnam: YES

Motion was made by Councilman Staniszewski, seconded by Councilman Pintola, and unanimously carried to accept the resignation of public works department employee Jason Furmanek, effective 5/22/20, pay all monies due and amend the salary ordinance accordingly.

Motion was made by Councilman Staniszewski, seconded by Councilman Pintola, and carried unanimously, to accept the retirement of Nicholas Blumer, effective June 15, 2020, pay all monies due and amend the salary ordinance accordingly.   

Motion was made by Councilman Pintola, seconded by Councilman Manning, and carried to authorize the City Parking Office to order parking meter parts from Meter Products Co. Inc, at a cost not to exceed $3,100.


Councilman Staniszewski: NO

Councilman Pintola: YES

Councilman Manning: YES

Mayor Putnam: YES  

      Motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Pintola, and carried unanimously, to pay Freedom Transit for the City’s local match obligation in the amount of $101,661.00. CHARGE: 85.00/447-000

      Motion was made by Councilman Staniszewski, seconded by Councilman Manning, and carried unanimously to approve the advertising of the Washington Park Pickleball Project.


Councilman Staniszweski thanked the volunteers, staff and Mayor and Council for bringing this new amenity to the park.

Mayor Putnam asked Lynn Galluze when the bids would be advertised. Lynn stated that it hadn’t been determined but soon. The Mayor stated he would like this done asap and completed soon so that the new courts could be used this year.

      Motion was made by Councilman Staniszewski, seconded by Councilman Pintola, to approve Nicolella Roofing Company to replace roof on Stone Pavilion in the amount of $16,280.00. CHARGE: 52.00/489-000. (Park Development Fund)

      Motion was made by Councilman Staniszewski, seconded by Councilman Pintola, to enter into a reentry agreement (Due to COVID-19) with Washington Youth Baseball for the 2020 Summer Season.


Mayor Putnam thanked the leadership of WYB. He stated that they have put together a good reentry plan. The City will monitor that the CDC Guidelines are followed by WYB and be addressed if not followed. The City reserves the right to have them remedy this situation and revoke the reentry if issues are not addressed.    

Councilman Manning asked who would police the WYB Reentry to ensure guidelines were followed. Mayor Putnam said that Park Staff would do this. Councilman Staniszewski disagreed. Stated: “No. Absolutely not. That can be up to someone else, but I personally don’t support socialist activity of this nature. I think they can police themselves. So no, that can be up to someone else if they so choose. They can police themselves.”        


Councilman Matt Staniszewski –

“Motion was made by Councilman Staniszewski, seconded by Councilman Pintola, and carried unanimously to extend the Civil Service Fire Department Eligibility List, pending further review and discussions with Chief Coleman, the Civil Service Commission and the Solicitor. “ 

Councilman Joe Pintola – No Comment

Councilman Ken Westcott –    ABSENT

Councilman Joe Manning No Comment

Mayor Scott Putnam – “As we go green tomorrow, I’d like to thank our staff for the hard work they’ve put in trying keep the city running and still maintaining social distancing. Chief Wilson has obviously done a great job with this and Chief Coleman has been handling a lot of things.” 

There will be two peaceful protest groups protesting this weekend at the County Courthouse Stairs in response to the death of George Floyd. 

Solicitor Jack Cambest – No Comment 

“Motion was made by Councilman Staniszewski, seconded by Mayor Putnam, and unanimously carried to resume regularly scheduled Council Agenda and Regular Meetings effective Monday, June 29, 2020 at 1 p.m. in Council Chambers.”   

The next scheduled Regular Council Meeting will be held on Thursday July 2, 2020 at 1:00 P.M. in Council Chambers with Social Distancing Procedures in effect. 

Motion was made by Councilman Staniszewski, seconded by Councilman Manning, and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting.