A regular meeting of Washington City Council was held Thursday, April 4, 2013, at 7PM in Council Chambers, 55 West Maiden Street, Washington, Pennsylvania. Mayor Brenda Davis, presiding, opened the meeting.
ROLL CALL: Councilman Kenneth Westcott – Present
Councilman Joseph Manning – Present
Councilman Terry Faust – Present
Councilman Matthew Staniszewski – Present
Mayor Brenda Davis – Present
SOLICITOR: Lane Turturice, Esquire – Present
Mayor Davis: Commencing with this evening’s Council Meeting, I ask all in attendance to observe a moment of silence.
Mayor and Council met in Executive Session on Monday, April 1, 2013 for the purpose of discussing personnel matters.
Mayor Davis opened the public participation portion of the meeting. Those signed in to speak were as follows:
• Chief Brookman gave the following reports for March 2013: the Washington Fire Department had 141 total calls, 20 motor vehicle accidents, 20 medical calls, 9 rapid intervention calls to Peters Township and North Strabane Township, and 5 structure fires in the City. The Building Department had 9 residential permits issued and 4 commercial. Total permits (from year to date) are a little behind with the total being 35. Total revenue for the month of March was $1,559.55; total revenue year to date is $4,207.55 but speaking with Mr. Coleman there are quite a few new things coming. Mr. McIntyre had 103 calls, 40 violation notices were mailed out, fines totaled $1,089.92, zoning, planning and plumbing appeals totaled $535.24, and street opening permits totaled $6,000. Revenue for this month was $7,535.75
• Joseph Thomas discussed an abandoned property that is located across from his home. The address of this abandoned property is 211 Grove Avenue. It has been empty for 17 years. Mr. Thomas stated that there was a public meeting advertised in the Observer newspaper. When he went to attend this meeting to find out what was going on and offer comment. He went on to say that he went to Courthouse Square at 9AM. The public meeting room was empty ~ the lights were out. He waited around for 10 minutes but no one showed up. He next went to the Redevelopment Authority and no one there knew what he was talking about. He went to City Hall and no one knew what he was talking about. Mr. Thomas then went to the Observer and a lady there found the ad which stated that there was a public hearing scheduled for yesterday, April 3, 2013, at 9AM, in the Public Meeting Room in Courthouse Square. This public hearing was advertised by the County, the Redevelopment was supposed to be in charge of it for City monies . . . nobody from the County showed up, nobody from the City showed up, and nobody from the Redevelopment Authority showed up. This exemplifies the way City business is conducted these days. Mr. Thomas stated that 17 or 18 years of waiting for a building to be torn down is enough. This building has been on the demolition list before. It came off the list because people purchased it out of the tax claim bureau, didn’t do their due-diligence, didn’t find out that the building was condemned, didn’t find out that they couldn’t comply with the zoning. Mr. Thomas said that he understands that none of this is the City’s fault. But several years have passed since this has happened. In the last 2 years he is now incurring significant water damage to his home because of this property. The Fire Department have pumped thousands of gallons of water, there were feet of water enough to fill a swimming pool, in the sub-basement of my home. This water is coming from a spring in this abandoned property. Due to the negligence of the property owners in not caring for the property and the neglect of the City in not tearing it down, Mr. Thomas stated that the has now incurred over $20,000.00 in expense that is not covered by insurance. He said he is tired of waiting for this property to be torn down. Rob Phillips, from the Redevelopment Authority, sat down with Mr. Thomas and explained that this additional money has been already programmed for a demolition project by St. Hilary Church. Mr. Thomas said he is not looking to thwart this demolition project or any other demolition projects that are in line. There are houses all over the City that are to be torn down. But, 17 or 18 years is long enough to wait. How long does it take to get this property back on the demolition list? Mr. Thomas said that what he is asking – that 211 Grove Avenue is put back on the list. He stated that he does not want to hear that the Code Enforcement Officer or the Solicitor haven’t done what they need to do. The Redevelopment Authority will only do what the City directs them to do. The public notice and legal requirements must be done. Again, please make sure your Code Enforcement Officer and Solicitor do what they need to do to get this property torn down.
COMMENT: Mayor Davis stated that the Solicitor will give a comment on this.
COMMENT: Solicitor Lane Turturice stated that this property is still in litigation. The Muslim religious group, that purchased this property to be used as a church . . . the City has taken a position that this is not appropriate zoning in this area. We had an engineer do a study of the building. The attorney for this Muslim group withdrew a couple of months ago from representing them. Attorney Turturice said that he filed a plea this past Monday at the Courthouse to move this case along so that it can be demolished.
Mr. Thomas said that he was aware that this group was hoping to open a mosque in this area. The use is a non-conforming use in a residential area. It has been abandoned for more than 15 years. So under Pennsylvania zoning law they cannot just pick it up and start using it again. Mr. Thomas said, “he does not care if it is a Muslim group, a Christian group, a Jewish group, or Pope Francis they can’t open a religious place there unless they comply with the zoning.” He just wants to get this building torn down before he incurs further damage to this property. $20,000.00 is enough with a sump pump running 24 hours. It will not be any time at all when the motor of the pump burns out and I will have to replace it. You all claim that you care about the neighborhoods; several of you particularly claim that you care about West End. The only way to improve the neighborhoods in this City is if the decent people who live there stay there . . . so don’t drive us out.
• Georgianna Farkus said she is speaking for the people of the City of Washington. She stated that during the Agenda Meeting she spoke about the garbage being around $163.00 but yet we are getting billed for $243. Georgianna stated that she was told that the bid came in for 4,300 homes. The people need to know once July 31st comes there are still late fees and penalties. She said that she understands about the money that is in an additional fund — you cannot run on a zero balance. However, the people, who are on a fixed income, need to have more time to absorb these costs.
COMMENT: Mayor Davis stated that Denny Adams, our Treasurer, said that if an individual is struggling they can call him and he will work with them. They need to call him and let him know this.
Georgianna said that there was an article in the newspaper that was not clear for everyone to understand. She asked that if this could be clarified more so that the average person will understand.
• Neal Isiminger stated that the towing contract is shared with 4 other companies. It is now not feasible to continue their 20% monthly donations. The high volume of calls is only 15 calls and is split with 5 companies. They will continue to support the City in any way that they can. He will continue to offer their car wash service, he has done it for years and he has no problem with doing this. The Police Department is in desperate need of some chairs in the squad room. Neal presented a check for $500.00 to purchase chairs for the squad room.
COMMENT: Captain Wilson clarified that Neal called him and asked what was needed . . . that they wanted to make a donation. His father, Dan Isiminger, called the following Monday and said, “if chairs are needed, you’ve got them”. Captain Wilson said that he never reached out to the Isiminger’s; that this is just how wonderful these people are. He thanked them from the City of Washington and the Washington Police Department.
• Captain Robert Wilson gave the City of Washington’s Police report for the month of March 2013. It is as follows: 829 calls of service, 9,218 miles patrolled, 55 traffic citations, 29 non-traffic citations with 35 criminal arrests. Monies collected were: $450.00 for accident reports, $75.00 for incident reports, $100.00 for fingerprinting, and $375.00 for vehicle release forms. Total amount of money collected was $995.
Mayor Davis stated that this closes the public participation portion of the meeting.
A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Westcott, and unanimously carried, to approve Repository Sale of property located at 990 Fayette Street (Parcel 780 017 00 02 0006 01) in the amount of $500. Prospective buyer is Sheila Boone.
A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Staniszewski, and unanimously carried, to approve the payment to Mackin Engineering Company in the amount of $15,000.00 for Multi-Municipal Comp Rec & Open Space. CHARGE 88.00/400-300
A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Staniszewski, and unanimously carried, to approve the payment to Matthew M. Franckiewicz, Arbitrator, in the amount of $1,537.53 for Arbitration Services Rendered: City of Washington & FOP Lodge 95. The above amount is each party’s share. CHARGE 01/13/404-314 (Other Legal Services & Costs)
A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Staniszewski, and unanimously carried, to approve the payment to Traffic Control Equipment & Supplies Co., Inc. in the amount of $229.00 for labor, materials, and other costs at Franklin and Wheeling Street. Mastarm Repair. CHARGE 03.00/433-378
A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Staniszewski, and unanimously carried, to approve the payment to Traffic Control Equipment & Supplies Co., Inc. in the amount of 97.50 for yellow LED module at Maiden and Dunn Street. CHARGE 03.00/433-378
A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Staniszewski, and unanimously carried, to approve the payment to McKean Plumbing & Heating Company in the amount of $269.95 (Invoice #1282-340) for initial call for water fountain leak. Selective Insurance Company of America already paid the City of Washington for this invoice. CHARGE 75.00/482-000
A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Staniszewski, and unanimously carried, to approve the payment to McKean Plumbing & Heating Company in the amount of $964.00 (Invoice #1282-338) for regulator and expansion tank, parts, and labor on 3/8/2013. CHARGE 01.52/409-374
A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Staniszewski, and unanimously carried, to approve the payment to ServiceMaster By Zupancic in the amount of $1,000.00 for insurance deductible amount due from water fountain leak.
CHARGE 75.00/482-000
A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Staniszewski, and unanimously carried, to approve the payment to Washington Business District Authority in the amount of $4,072.35 for the 2013 Special Services District Assessment.
CHARGE 01.60/400-430
A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Staniszewski, and unanimously carried, to approve the payment to Citizens Library in the amount of $25,000.00 for 2013 Appropriation. CHARGE 01.54/456-520
A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Staniszewski, and unanimously carried, to approve the payment to North Central Highway Safety Network, Inc. in the amount of $8,392.00 for Reimbursement #4 (2013). CHARGE 90.00/489-000
A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Staniszewski, and unanimously carried, to approve the payment to CPS Statements.Com, Inc. in the amount of $5,625.05 for print, process and postage for Solid Waste statements. CHARGE 20.00/427-325
A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Staniszewski, and unanimously carried, to approve the payment to Berggren & Turturice, LLC in the amount of $2,586.99 (Invoice #813) for services rendered from 3/8/2013 through 4/4/2013.
CHARGE 13/404-310
A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Westcott, and unanimously carried, to rescind previously approved motion regarding the Workers Compensation invoice that listed incorrect total; and approve the correct payment to AmeriHealth Casualty Services for Workers Compensation new Policy #100000015591113 for period of April 30, 2013 to April 30, 2014. This includes initial down-payment invoice in the amount of $54,154.58 with monthly invoices in the amount of $21,216.27 each ~ from May 2013 through and including January 2014. CHARGE 01.60/484-195
COMMENT: Councilman Westcott asked Councilman Manning if he could report what the increase was.
COMMENT: Councilman Manning said that he does not have this information in front of him, but that it was about a $70,000.00 increase.
A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and unanimously carried, to approve Memorandum Of Agreement for payment to Millcraft Center, LP in the amount of $48,068.96 for refund of overpaid taxes plus interest and costs of suit to Plaintiff. CHARGE 01.00/301-020
A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Staniszewski, and unanimously carried, to approve and authorize The City of Washington to enter into a Cooperation Agreement with TRIPIL for a grant under the Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP). This is for the TRIPIL-YWCA Rehabilitation Project.
A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Staniszewski, and unanimously carried, to approve and authorize The City of Washington to draft / mail a support letter to Highland Ridge Community Development Corporation for their KABOOM Grant application.
A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Staniszewski, and unanimously carried, to approve and authorize Solicitor Lane Turturice to negotiate with Northwest Savings Bank the Release of Mortgage regarding 456 Broad Street.
A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Staniszewski, and unanimously carried, to approve and authorize Application for DEP 2013 – 901 Funding.
A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Staniszewski, and unanimously carried, to approve and authorize Parking on South Street to be as follows: Southside of Street to have permit parking only, and Northside of Street to consist of a loading zone area only.
A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and unanimously carried, to approve for Washington City Transit the development of a formal construction schedule regarding the Intermodal Transit Center/Park & Ride project by Astorino at a not-to-exceed cost of $2,200 to be paid from transit funds.
A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and unanimously carried, to approve for Washington City Transit the release of bid documents for Joint Advertising Services with Washington Rides & Mid Mon Valley Transit Authority contingent upon final review and approval of bid documents by all three transit agencies.
A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and unanimously carried, to approve for Washington City Transit the Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission (SPC) to have Read-Only Access to the City of Washington’s Federal Transit Administration (FTA) grant information contained in the Transportation Electronic Award Management (TEAM) System.
A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Westcott, and unanimously carried, to approve the Washington City Transit payment to GG&C Bus Company, Inc. in the amount of $66,952.24 for contracted public transit fixed route services performed in February 2013, to be paid from the Mass Transit Account upon verification by the Finance Department that the stated transit funds are available. CHARGE 28.00/447-455
A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Westcott, and unanimously carried, to approve the Washington City Transit payment to Washington County Transportation Authority in the amount of $8,654.50 for contracted public transit paratransit services performed in February 2013, to be paid from the Mass Transit Account upon verification by the Finance Department that the stated transit funds are available. CHARGE 28.00/447-455
A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Westcott, and unanimously carried, to approve the Washington City Transit payment to Nancy Basile in the amount of $48.49 for reimbursement of eligible expenses incurred in March 2013, to be paid from the Mass Transit Account upon verification by the Finance Department that the stated transit funds are available. CHARGE 28.00/447-240
A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Westcott, and unanimously carried, to approve the Washington City Transit payment to Comcast in the amount of $82.32 for internet service for transit’s farebox networking, to be paid from the Mass Transit Account upon verification by the Finance Department that the stated transit funds are available. CHARGE 28.00/447-240
A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Westcott, and unanimously carried, to approve the Washington City Transit payment to Hickson’s in the amount of $144.00 for transit Office Supplies to be paid from the Mass Transit Account upon verification by the Finance Department that the stated transit funds are available. CHARGE 28.00/447-210
A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Westcott, and unanimously carried, to approve the Washington City Transit payment to Guttman Oil Company in the amount of $23,809.27 for the purchase of fuel for the public transit vehicles, to be paid from the Mass Transit Account upon verification by the Finance Department that the stated transit funds are available. CHARGE 28.00/447-231
A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Westcott, and unanimously carried, to approve the Washington City Transit payment to Bankcard Services in the amount of $698.00 for registration fees for Council-approved travel by transit representatives on April 23-25, 2013, to be paid from the Mass Transit Account upon verification by the Finance Department that the stated transit funds are available. CHARGE 28.00/447-240
A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Westcott, and carried, to
approve the Washington City Transit payment to nTouch in the amount of $150.00 for 1 year
web-hosting renewal to be paid from Mass Transit Account upon verification by the Finance
Department that the stated transit funds are available. CHARGE 28.00/447-310
ROLL CALL: Councilman Kenneth Westcott – Yes
Councilman Joseph Manning – Yes
Councilman Terry Faust – No
Councilman Matthew Staniszewski – Abstained Due to
Conflict of Interest
Mayor Brenda Davis – Yes
A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Westcott, and
unanimously carried, to amend the salary ordinance to change the FLSA status of the City Clerk
and the Code Enforcement Officer from exempt to non-exempt based on FLSA requirements.
COMMENT: Councilman Manning stated that this is just a bit of housekeeping when we did the Salary Ordinance in January. They were coded incorrectly.
A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Westcott, and
unanimously carried, to approve the Independent Contractor Agreement with the City’s IT
person, Lynn Galluze, for a 3-year contract.
A motion was made by Mayor Davis, seconded by Councilman Manning, and unanimously
carried, to promote Dwayne Pratt to the position of Electrical / Safety Department Electrician,
effective Friday, April 5, 2013, and to amend the Salary Ordinance accordingly.
COMMENT: Councilman Manning asked if this person was Splash.
COMMENT: Mayor Davis said “yes, and that Dwayne (Splash) has been filling the position from the retired Joe Hello. Dwayne has been doing a fine job, has been in this position for many, many years; so, I want to congratulate him on his promotion”.
A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Mayor Davis, and carried to advertise for a RFP for the position of City Solicitor.
COMMENT: Mayor Davis stated that this is precautionary for the City of Washington in the event that candidate Turturice wins the election. The City is preparing ahead of time so that we are not in a situation that we cannot get our housekeeping in order.
COMMENT: Councilman Manning asked if this was just for review and preparation?
COMMENT: Mayor Davis replied yes.
ROLL CALL: Councilman Kenneth Westcott – Yes
Councilman Joseph Manning – Yes
Councilman Terry Faust – No
Councilman Matthew Staniszewski – Yes
Mayor Brenda Davis – Yes
(No Vote Required)
(No Vote Required)
Councilman Westcott stated that the City of Washington’s Clean-Up Day will be on Saturday, April 20, 2013, from 9AM to 3PM. There will be dumpsters located at St. Paul AME Church in the Highland Ridge community, 8th Ward Playground, Tylerdale Fire Station. Electronics will not be picked up. The City Mission will take the electronic items, which they do on a daily basis. Also, the weather will be changing soon. We will be having a meeting with our Blight Task Force – working with the Fire Department and Ron, Code Enforcement. Lastly, the City of Washington Fire Department will be entering all private businesses to look for violations.
COMMENT: Chief Brookman stated that these violations. This will be written up as a courtesy inspection ~ no one’s hands will be slapped on this day. We will make recommendations, if we find fault we will be back in a few days to make sure that the processes have been started to make the corrections. We are there to help them, not hinder them.
Councilman Westcott said that will be a courtesy inspection. We will let know the individuals know if fire extinguishers or smoke detectors are needed; and if they are willing to participate with the Gamewell Fire System which is the first-response with the Fire Department. This is a pro-active stance in regard to pre-empting potential fires in the downtown area. Also, if there is anyone (residential) who would like to understand better where fire detectors may be placed, please contact the Fire Department.
COMMENT: Chief Brookman that this is being done already. This will be more in depth to meet the public, meet the people.
Councilman Manning stated that, accordingly to the Third Class City Code, he has provided Mayor and Council with a quarterly report from the Department of Accounts and Finance. Contained, herein, is our current revenue, our current expenditures and account activity which include our special accounts. Councilman Manning said he is happy to report that all departments are on budget for the year. Copies can be provided for anyone who wants this material. Also, Councilman Manning said that he spoke with Councilman Staniszewski regarding the street sweeper. They are working together, along with Deputy Finance Officer, Susie, to figure out ways to finance this street sweeper. Councilman Manning said that Councilman Westcott mentioned that the streets need cleaned so that is in the works and will should have this figured out quickly so that we can get the street sweeper in service.
Councilman Faust gave an update of what is happening at Washington Park. There was a RFP regarding work relating to the cap money that was awarded along with LSA money. In conjunction with some work that has already in the past couple of years this is a million dollar project. We are going to open up some of the bids on April 10, 2013 for some of the pool projects. General construction, prior to the pool opening, includes replacing damaged concrete pads, and installation of water and electric to new pavilion. We are looking to shaded pavilion between the wading pool and the main pool to especially grandparents and those who seek shade. The other things to bring our facility up to ADA compliance, especially for corrections to the entrance for the tot pool (baby pool), ADA chair lifts — we have one chair lift, we will now have two new chair lifts, fencing around the pool area, and separation of fencing around the top pool to the main pool. Also, the bathhouse doors will be replaced to be ADA accessible. Lighting and painting will be done to give a refreshed look. There will be upgrading of the treatment system of the pool, and replacing of the pool chairs and picnic tables. Items to look forward to in the Fall will be painting of the pool surface and the pool will be re-lined. Peters Township Swim Club uses our pool being the 50-meter pool length is the only pool in Washington County. We will be accommodating them lining of our pool; perhaps they can have some swim meets in the future. We are looking at raising funds for upgrading our concession stand which will include ADA entrances. We just applied for a DCED Grant which is an additional $300,000 for future construction and development of the Washington Park. We will move to the tennis courts then onto other areas of our Park. We will be opening on Saturday, May 25, 2013, for the swimming pool. Admission is $5.00 per person for ages 3 and up, season passes are at a discounted price of $50 for a single pass, and $120 for a family pass of up to 6 members. We are looking to getting Chuck Taylor to head our tennis program which has been a great camp. We are looking to get another gentleman, Spencer, who are hoping for his help. This camps are for Pee-Wee (ages 3 to 5 years), Beginners (9 years and under) and onto Intermediate and Advanced classes.
Councilman Staniszewski thanked Councilman Westcott for his leadership in organizing Clean-Up Day. He thanked Councilman Manning for his help on financing the street sweeper along with his staff. He thanked Mayor and Council for their continued support. Councilman Staniszewski asked our residents to be patient regarding the potholes because the hot asphalt plants are not open yet. We are focused on repairing damaged inlets and infrastructure; after that we will be aggressive with the pot holes and paving projects Citywide. As soon as the sweeper shows up we will be out in full-force. We will develop a plan to develop a regular sweeping plan.
A motion was made by Mayor Davis, seconded by Councilman Manning, and unanimously carried, to approve the minutes of the special meeting of City Council held on March 18, 2013.
Mayor Davis thanked Mr. Isiminger for his $500 donation. The Police Department is definitely in need of the chairs. She also thanked the Arms Club for donating $1,000 each to our Police Department and to our Fire Department. The Arms Club brought this check to us two weeks ago. Mayor Davis also talked about the Crime Victims Rights Week, headed by the District Attorney and many other partners. An event will be occurring on Tuesday, April 23, 2013, from 11AM to 3PM, at the parking lot across from the Observer. Hard work has been devoted to raise the awareness of crimes victims. The District Attorney will be serving the food that day. Mayor Davis encouraged all to attend. This will be a very interesting and exciting event for the City.
The next regular meeting of Washington City Council will be held on Thursday, May 2, 2013 at 7PM in Council Chambers. The Agenda Meeting will be held on Monday, April 29, 2013 at 6PM, also in Council Chambers.
Mayor and Council will be going into an Executive Session following this meeting to discuss property acquisitions and possible litigations.
A motion was made by Councilman Staniszewski, seconded by Councilman Westcott, and unanimously carried, to adjourn the meeting.
COMMENT: Mayor Davis read the following announcement: There will be a Comcast Day of Giving at the Lemoyne Community Center on Saturday, April 27, 2013, from 9AM to 4PM. This is a spring clean-up event. Donations of paint and supplies will be appreciated. Comcast will donate $18 to the Lemoyne Community Center for anyone who shows up to work.
Brenda Davis, Mayor
Christy S. Thomas, City Clerk