
A special meeting of Washington City Council was held Monday, May 19, 2014 at 4PM in Council Chambers, 55 West Maiden Street, Washington, Pennsylvania. Mayor Brenda Davis, presiding, opened the meeting.

ROLL CALL: Councilwoman Tracie Graham – Present
Councilman Kenneth Westcott – Present
Councilman Joseph Manning – Present
Councilman Terry Faust – Present
Mayor Brenda Davis – Present

SOLICITOR: Lynne Finnerty, Esquire – Present



A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and unanimously carried, to approve the minutes of the May 1, 2014 regular meeting of Washington City Council.

Mayor Brenda Davis then opened the public participation portion of the meeting. There was no one signed into speak, therefore, Mayor Davis closed this portion of the meeting.

A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Westcott, and unanimously carried, to rescind the motion that was approved at the May 1, 2014 regular City Council Meeting. This motion is incorrect due to the Charge Line number being omitted; and take action to approve the corrected motion listed below:

A motion was made by Mayor Davis, seconded by Councilman Manning, and unanimously carried, to approve the Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) regarding purchase of new Police Car. Insurance checks have been received. Request for the checks to be made payable to the following: Tri-Star Motors in the amount of  $24,655.00 (2014 Ford Police Interceptor), Team Force Inc. in the amount of  $6,280.16 (Radio and Equipment), and Layton Graphics and Sign in the amount of $600.00 (Marking of Police Unit). Team Force check will be reduced due to the fact that most of the equipment out of Car #15 was salvaged. Team Force’s bill is mostly for labor and only a few pieces of equipment damaged in the accident.
CHARGE 75.00/482-000 Insurance Claims Fund (Judgments and Losses)

A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and unanimously carried, to rescind the following motion that was approved at the May 1, 2014 regular City Council Meeting. This motion is incorrect due to the new hire’s name being omitted; and take action to approve the corrected motion listed below:

A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and unanimously carried, to approve the hiring of (1) City of Washington Public Works Mechanic at an hourly rate of $19.78 and amend the salary ordinance accordingly.
Name of New Hire: David Hughey. Hire date: Monday, May 19, 2014.

A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilwoman Graham, and unanimously carried, to rescind the following motion that was approved at the May 1, 2014 regular City Council Meeting. This motion is incorrect due to pay rate being omitted; and take action to approve the corrected motion listed below:

A motion was made by Councilman Faust, seconded by Councilman Manning, and unanimously carried, to approve amendment of the Salary Ordinance (Parks and Public Buildings) – retroactive April 1, 2014 with the following Seasonal Employee
(S/E) pay rates:
S/E Level #1 $8.00 per hour
S/E Level #2 $9.00 per hour
S/E Level #3 $10.00 per hour

A motion was made by Councilman Faust, seconded by Councilman Westcott, and unanimously carried, to approve Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) to approve the 2nd payment to First Security Finance in the amount of $12,771.96 for the guaranteed energy savings program to be charged to Account: 01.52/409-368 (Public Buildings Other Services – ReAllocation of

A motion was made by Councilman Faust, seconded by Councilman Westcott, and unanimously varied, to open bids for the Catfish Creek Stormwater Management Project, Site 4. Attorney Lynne Finnerty opened the (1) one bid that was submitted. It is as follows:

Gary Metzinger Cement Contractor, Inc. 5% Bid Bond Included
207 Walton Court
Pittsburgh, PA 15215 TOTAL: $608,706.20

Telephone: 412-963-1701

COMMENT: Councilman Faust requested that this bid not be tabled.

Councilman Westcott asked what the previous bid was. (He was told $468,000.00)

Mayor Davis said that there is a time frame that this work should be completed.

Councilman Manning asked the City Clerk to re-read the motion that Councilman Faust was discussing regarding the present bid.

A motion was made by Councilman Faust, seconded by Councilman Westcott, and unanimously carried, to award this bid — upon the review and acceptance of our Solicitor and Skelly & Loy.

A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and unanimously carried, to approve payment to Sigcom Communication Corp. in the amount of $26,831.60 for the following: (1) DTX-L1R1-N104 MB Nema Flat Radio, (2) DTX-1K-01 MB Installation Kits, and freight charges. CHARGE 33/411-376 (Fire Alarm Maintenance)

A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and unanimously carried, to approve payment to Scanlon Fiber Optics, LLS in the amount of $2,460.00 for fiber between City Hall and Police Station. CHARGE 85.00/489-000 (LSA)

A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and unanimously carried, to approve refund to Closers, Inc. in the amount of $140.00 for Dye Test for 362 Burton Avenue. Sale fell through on 5/14/2014. CHARGE 01.00/361-652 (Dye Test Fees)




(No Vote Required)

A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Mayor Davis, and unanimously carried, to approve continuing the current Health/Dental/RX health insurance plans currently in place for 2014-2016 (2 years) with Meritian Health.

COMMENT: Mayor Davis said that Councilman Manning and herself have been working real hard to secure the health care for the City of Washington employees. We are also looking into a health and wellness program with Meritian so that our
employees can be healthier and more pro-active with their health insurance. This would be a (2) two-year term with Meritian. In addition, we have our stop-loss which locks in our stop-loss rates for 2 years to keep it from going higher than what it is. Mayor Davis thanked Councilman Manning and Susie Koehler for their hard work devoted.

A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Faust, and unanimouslycarried, to retain Millennium Administrators, Inc. as the health insurance plan administrators for the 2014-2015 plan year.

A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded Councilman Manning, and unanimously carried, to approve the transfer for the Public Works Department of $50,000.00 FROM 96.00/438-000 Marcellus Shale-Public Works/Construction & Maintenance Of Roadways TO 01.42/438-210 General Fund-Public Works/Road Maintenance & Repairs.

A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded Councilman Manning, and unanimously carried, to approve the transfer for the Public Works Department of $8,000.00 FROM 01.42/430-138 Public Works-Salaries/Street Personnel TO 01.42/430-370 Public Works-Road Maintenance.

COMMENT: Councilman Westcott thanked Councilman Manning and Susie Koehler. Winter and the salt did us in, our line items were wiped out. We will be able to do some road maintenance now and obviously get some potholes filled.

Councilman Manning stated that both of these line items: Road Maintenance and Vehicle Maintenance were in the red. The Road
Maintenance line showed that ACT 13 money was put in to be used as a supplement. The $8,000.00 was for salary for an employee who was not paid for a portion of the year.

Mayor Davis said, “I am sure John Stout will be extremely excited.”

Councilman Westcott agreed by saying, “yes when you are looking at nothing, now we have something to work with.”

A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Westcott, and unanimously carried, to award the contract for Fixed Route Public Transit Service to MV Transportation, Inc. for a 2-year period commencing on July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2016.

This is in accordance with the price proposal submitted by MV Transportation, Inc. which is incorporated as Exhibit 3 of the Agreement.

COMMENT: Councilman Manning stated, “great job guys”.

Mayor Davis said that there will be a savings of roughly $150,000.00 — less of what we are currently paying now. Mayor Davis thanked the Transit Department for all of their hard work, that she knows that this was not easy task and that
things needed clarified. At the same sense you are saving some money.

Councilman Faust stated, “Joe this was not directed at you as Councilman Westcott thought. This is something you and I had discussed before. I am sorry that I did not see this paper in front of me to read.”


Councilwoman Tracie Graham thanked thanked Chief Brookman and our Fire Department regarding the Jefferson Avenue building issue. She thanked Christy for her help in organizing our City’s Clean-Up Day.

COMMENT: Councilman Westcott asked Chief Brookman what he had said.

Chief Brookman said that the Jefferson Avenue issue it is not cleared up – that it is a mess. People were taken by the American Red
Cross to Best Western in Bentleyville. That place has been trashed. Now some people are trying to move back into the property. There is no water or electric service. The building is not secured completely because some people are going back to
get their furniture.

Councilman Westcott said that this falls on the property owner’s responsibility.

Councilman Kenneth Westcott reminded everyone about the Food Collection Event that will be at The Meadows Casino this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. You will get a free play at the Casino for every pound of food brought in.

Councilman Joseph Manning – no comment.

Councilman Terry Faust said that the pool is being filled now. There were some challenges that are now being taken care of. The pool should be circulating within a day. We will be able to open on time this Memorial Day. Councilman Faust congratulated his staff at the Park for all of their efforts and hard work. He said that he is only as good as they make him look. Councilman Faust said that even if they make a mistake he would make them still look good. It is on his shoulders to have this work done. Let’s all go swimming on Memorial Day!

Mayor Brenda Davis made the following motion:

A motion was made by Mayor Davis, seconded by Councilman Manning, and unanimously carried, to enter an Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement for the project to be known as “The Multi-Municipal Information Sharing and Truck Scale Project 2013 LSA”. The agreement would be entered in with: South Strabane, North Strabane, Chartiers, North Franklin and the City of Washington.

COMMENT: Mayor Davis asked if there was any public comment or comment?

Councilman Westcott said, “this is great opportunity to share information and it is long overdue”.

Mayor Davis said, “absolutely. We were not fortunate enough to get the whole project funded but the $100,000.00 is much better than nothing”.

The Washington City Building will be closed on Monday, May 26, 2014 in observance of Memorial Day holiday. Regular office hours will resume on Tuesday, May 27, 2014 at 8:30AM.

The next regular meeting of Washington City Council will be held on Thursday, June 5, 2014 at 7PM in Council Chambers. The Agenda Meeting will be held on Monday, June 2, 2014 at 6PM, also in Council Chambers.

A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and unanimously carried, to adjourn the meeting.


Brenda Davis, Mayor


Christy S. Thomas, City Clerk